Monday, May 30, 2005

I love my neigborhood!

Ok, there are just days that when you walk around Capital Hill in Denver, you just have to say "I love my neighborhood!" Or at least Emily loves to say it!

Let's just say there is a lot of character that happens here! Interesting, scary, strange, um, just odd and some just rather funny.

If you are South Park fans.... you may get blips about Colfax!

You will just have to visit me here to make our own stories in Capital Hill!!!!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Summer in Denver

Well, I am NOT going to complain about the weather, although it is suppose to Thunderstorm on Memorial Day Weekend (Sunday and Monday) - but Today is Saturday and well the weather is PERFECT as it has been for the last week. Emily and I have made a few trips to the lakes around here, and I got to spend some time in Boulder, absolutly BREATHTAKING!! I love the mountains!

And I am hoping for some GREAT summer Camping, and well BBQ's! Mabye some summer Volleyball. Washington Park always has nets up and people playing, so I am sure I will figure my way into it!

Catcha later!

Prairie Dogs!

Oh my gosh, Emily and I went to Boulder to walk around the lake and well, teach her dog to swim (unsuccessful) and on the walk we saw SOOOOOOOOOOOO many Prairie Dogs!! It was crazy, like the ground was moving. But the drive home, well I think we saw more dead ones on the side of the road than out in the feild. Poor Things!!

Long Time

It has been brought to my attention that I have not blogged in well, about three weeks. I just haven't been creative! I have been thinking, so here is the start of a few blogs!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Chicago here I come!!!!

I just bought my plane ticket for the Rotary International 100 year convention in Chicago, IL!!! I can't wait! I'm stoked!!!