Thursday, June 23, 2005

Fuller Beer!!

Ok, I am going to Volunteer at the Polo event in mid July (just picture me as Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman in that cute little polka dot dress and big hat!), and well tonight was a mandatory meeting at the CEO/President's house of Fuller Beer!! They import beer from Germany/Czek Republid/Irleand. Man his house was phenominal!!!!! I would never leave if I lived there. End of story!

Chicago!! Rotary's 100 Year Anniversary!

Rotary International Convention, Chicago, IL
June 19-22

You can view the photos here:

I got in on Thursday the 16th and it was a busy weekend after that. Thursday I checked in with the LA Rotaract club, and then there was a Rotaract social at the Excaliber that night.

Friday the conference started about 8am, and went all day! Friday night was the Gala Social, which was a lot of fun!

Then Sat morning was the Rotary parade. We only caught the tail end of it, but it was awesome, aparently there were 220,000 people that showed up to see it, bigger than the St. Patricks Day parade.

Sat night we just went to Navy Peir and saw a wonderful fireworks show!!! Then Sunday Antonia and I spent most of the day in the house of Friendship (where all sorts of booths from anything to everything is there)... then made our way to Greek Town for some lunch!

Sunday night was the Rotary Planerary session, which was awesome and that didn't end until 10pm, then we hung out and got up early on Monday for our last day in town and went on the Architectural Boat tour down the Chicago River. After that we had just enough time to grab lunch and head back to the airport!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

In Chicago!!!

Well I have made it, I am here, just waiting on others to get here, so i am sitting out in the nice cool weather, and well, playing on the computer killing time, so I thought I would blog it!

I will write more about the conference soon!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I am sooooo loved!!!!

You should see my desk at work! I am sooooo lucky to have such wonderful people in my life who send flowers and candy!!!!

Thanks Ty for the Chocolate, man, I can't resist the choclate covered pretzels... but I am holding off on finishing off the basket in two days!!!



Monday, June 13, 2005


Oh my, it is officially here, and I am 26! cool! I am still working on the book. I honestly think I am going to write a book!! (please no one steal the idea).

Anyway, I have started my weeklong birthday celebrations, I think it started Friday night, but officially Saturday night! And well, Sunday, the official b-day is Monday and then I head to Chicago on Thurday! So it will be a great weeklong celebration (not that every weekend isn't a celebration), but the birthday thing just sounds better.

So I don't know if anyone ever really reads these, so I will keep it short!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Countdown is on!

6 days and counting until I turn 26! Ok, so that means that I am entering my late 20's right!? I am still confused about this age thing, because I still feel like I am 17 and in High School, but with a whole lot of life.

So I am going to write a book sometime in my life. I think that has been a goal of mine since I was 8 years old, but not accomplished. And I think I have a great idea on my hands, which most of you know about.

But I have even asked to interview the CEO of my company. I thought that was rather bold! I will talk to her in the morning, and I am excited about that!

I hope everyone I know, will share thier story with me in the next 6 days! But either way, I also feel like I don't have to stop with the idea at 26, but maybe reshape it and actually start writing the book!

48 Hours in Phoenix

It is amazing what you can do in 48 hours! My oldest brother turned 30!!! And I am one lucky girl, and I got to go to the party! It made me realize I am not far from home, and I may just have to go again.

It also made me realize, man we are growing up. I mean we were just, well like 10 years old, or for that matter Tyson was 14, but still, 30!!! next thing I know, I will be 30!

I am soooo glad I got to see friends and family! Miss everyone in Phoenix!!!!