Sunday, August 28, 2005

Mount Massive

Here is Jennifer and I and you can see the summit of Mt. Massive, another one of Colorado's 14ers. This one was 14,421ft. However, with a rain scare we turned around at probably 13,000ft in fear we would get rained and hailed on.

Anyway, This Sunday, Jason, Trevor, Jennifer and I climbed Mt. Massive. We started at 5:30am, and well at about 10am we made the call to turn around so we didn't get stuck in the rain, and made it back down to the trail head just after 1pm.
Jennifer clocked it as 7 hours and 42 min hike!! Not too bad. Can't say we made the summit, but, we sure did have a GREAT day of hiking.

Here are the photos:

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Travis' graduation

Uncle Bobby and Aunty Terry with Travis

Well, I spent the weekend in RI, CT and MA and a small drive through NH!!

Travis graduated from the Navy, from Sub school before he heads off to Hawaii to work at Pearl Harbor on the nuclear submarines!!

Here's Mom, Travis and I.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Old Friends

Abby and Lauren and I all met in Australia. Haven't seen Lauren since she left, and Abby I saw at least over two years ago. Anyway, we were able to meet up for dinner in Providence, RI! Amazing how times just flies by, yet we are all still the same!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Long's Peak!

At the Top of Long's Peak!!!
My first 14,000ft mountain!!

Well This past Friday I climbed 14,000ft. How awesome that!??

We started at the Trailhead at 9:45pm and then started to trek up the mountain. I had enough energy to keep me going for a while and it did. I had no idea where we were going or what I was getting into. We kept moving and the hours were just flying by.

I was so busy looking at all the stars and staring up at the milky way! It was just spectacular, you cannot capture that sky anywhere (well just anywhere, wish I was there Thursday night for the meteor shower). I saw a few shooting starts and wished upon a few, but can’t remember them.

About 4am we got to the keyhole. About a half hour after we got there other people joined us, and we all chatted for a while trying to decide what to do, and then maybe 4:30am or so we decided to do that ledges and as we were going along you could see the light starting to approach. I could start to see the mountains and how massive they were. And also, how incredibly high we were and how steep those mountains were. I started to think, I am ok right now, but that I may be really scared going down the mountain.

We got the notch and stopped again and took some photos. We were passed up by a few guys who were just booking it and they actually made it to the summit to see the sun rise. We unfortunately were on the wrong side of the mountain to actually see the sun rise. I was determined to get up there as soon as possible so I could see the sun.

We did the homestretch as quickly as we could. There was a bit of ice that made it a little slippery. We got to the top about 6am. I was the 5th person on the mountain that morning. Those two guys then Jason and Trevor then me. We took our photos at the top. (As you can see).

You know what blows me away. There are some days that I have climbed Squaw Peak (in AZ) and I was much more bothered than I was climbing this MASSIVE mountain. I am not sure, but I am just so happy by body was working with me.

We stayed on the top for maybe 20 minuetes and looked at all the ranges of mountains. Then we started to head down, which was just a killer on the knees. Gosh my knees were really bothering me, but fortunately the next day and today they don’t hurt at all. (The thighs were another story).

The way down .. the long walk seemed to be going forever, and ever. By the time we got to the bottom I was imagining the parking lot. It was just crazy. I really did see cars at least three times, but I really think I was dreaming. With the altitude and the lack of sleep. I saw all sorts of stuff. Cracked me up. Jason and Travor thought I was nuts.

Then, we got back to trailhead at 1pm. That was 15 hours of hiking… with stops here and there, but it was still fairly intense and it was awesome! I now can say that I hiked that, and I am really proud of that (thanks Jason for inviting me)!

Then we ended up staying up there in Estes Park for Saturday night. Much better idea than driving down with no sleep. And Estes is amazing!

Anyway, don't want to go on too long. Here is the link to the photos

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Colorado Plates

Yesterday I got Colorado Plates! I have not yet put them on, not sure I am ready to let go of Arizona just yet. Out of all the times I have moved in my life I have never changed my address or had to change anything really. I will be taking the Grand Canyon State plate off to replace it with a green and white Colorado plate.

It's offical. 4 months after I get here I finnally acept the fact it's time.

Monday, August 01, 2005

White Water Rafting!!!

Well I got to go White Water Rafting today for the first time at the Royal Gorge on the Arkansas River! It was spectacular!!!! Four girls and two guides! We had so much fun while battling the rapids. At first Tracy went overboard, but fortunately, she was not hurt and we rescued her, and it was hilarious! Then we hit another set of rapids and well all four of us girls were ejected!

The other three were able to get back in, while, me, well I just floated down the river and hit all sorts of rocks along the way. I had to keep reminding myself to go feet first. I just couldn't get back to the boat. I was calm, but then again, it was kinda scary. There was another boat nearby that rescued me because our boat got stuck.

So fortunately for all of us, we all got rescued and we were back on the rapids in no time. We laughed so hard, I don't think our guide has ever had people fall out of the boat like we did. We really did almost flip the boat....

But in the end it was just spectacular and I would do it again. We were only on the river for 2 hours, but that was a good amount of time. I can't wait to get the photos back!! I will be sure to put the link up!


AND the photos!!