Monday, October 31, 2005

Costa Rica Blogs!!

I have decided to post all my e-mails from the Costa Rica Trip here

Friday, October 21, 2005

Needless To Say....

I didn't win the lottery, you would have heard from me by now.

Such is life.

Well 24 hours and I am on my way to Costa Rica. I just found out my coworker from Ireland, Bridie and her husband will be there as well! I am soooooo excited.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I'm In!

Ok, I know the powerball was drawn an hour and 45 min ago, but before I check the numbers to see if I win, I thought I would blog it.

I stood in line at 711 behind every other Amerian wanting to win $340 million. I mean, who wouldn't want to win $340million, even if you are taxed HALF, I mean that is still $170million. Before I want to spend too much time thinking about what I would do with that ungodly amount of money, I figure, I will continue with my rather simplistic life that has everything I need.

Ok, so I did it, I invested my $5, and I will let you know momentarily if I win. However, I figured, worst case, it does go back into the state right!? The lottary really figured out a great deal for you to pay for the ticket and if you win, you get half of it taken away. Who is coming out ahead on this one.

I figured the last time I bought, if I have ever actually bought a powerball ticket, would have been over 6 or 7 years ago, and really... I maybe gave a $1 to a coworker to put the moneies in a pool, to better the chances of winning. Didn't happen then either.

Ok, write later, but for now, I am going to check those numbers.

Costa Rica!

In 3 days! I will be on a plane to Phoenix! Breakfast plans with mom and 10:30 - I will be the Rotaract pancake Breakfast!

Then ON TO COSTA RICA!! CAN"T Wait!!! Keep you all posted!


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

From Snow to Sea!

From Snow to Sea!

Well, Saturday night we had a girls “weekend” we headed to Steamboat for the night, and had a blast. 7 girls in a condo in Steamboat! We made use of the Jacuzzi and the pool, and then Sunday we got up early for a wonderful breakfast and then on to Strawberry Park. It was awesome. I spoiled myself with a ½ hour massage, mainly because I could afford an hour, and the got to sit in the hot springs while it was misty and rainy and cozy out.

On our drive down we drove through a major snow storm. It was crazy. I was rather excited about it, but the other girls in the car weren’t so much. I do have photos. CRAZY snow, Oct. 10th.

Well I had to catch a 7:15am flight to Los Angeles for Work, so when I woke up on Monday morning, there was snow covering my car. I finally parked, and dragged my stuff in the snow, checked in (barely) but we ended up sitting on the runway for an hour and a half while waiting for the people to defrost us. No one really knew what they were doing since it was the first snow of the year. We didn’t leave until an hour and a half later.

Then, well I got in the LA, drove to Santa Barbara for the University fair, and when it was over, I was so hot and sweaty, I ripped off my boots, and park by the beach (which the University of Santa Barbara is on the beach) and I put my feet in the water for a little while! SO I call it, from Snow to Sea! Hahah


Lots of fun stuff!! This is a picture of Strawberry Springs!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Thank Yous

First, I want to thank
Sister Christine
Jason Konzak
Eric Gentz for sponsoring me in the Race for the CURE!
I raised $150!! Blew my goal out of the water!

I appriciate it!!! truly!!


Monday, October 03, 2005

Aron Rolston

You have all heard his story, but it was definately amazing to hear the story from Aron himself. To get himself into that situation may not have been the smartest, but the story that got him out of that situation is amazing, deep and emotional.
In case you want to brush up on the story.

I may go into a bit more detail at a later time.


Sunday, October 02, 2005

Race For the CURE - Denver

Thank you Mom, Sister Christine, and Jason for sponsoring me in the Race for the CURE!

I was one in 65,000 people out walking this morning in the streets of Denver! And you helped in the effort to raise $3million here!!!!

Here is a link to all the photos!

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Well, it wasn't an upset, and ASU didn't win :( but, I did get to meet some other ASU Alumni here in Denver! We all met at the Sports Column downtown, and it was fun to have 30 ASU grads all into the game, and a nerve raking one at that. We were soooo hopeful, and then well ... um, we forgot how to play in the second half.

Ah well.....