Saturday, April 30, 2005

Melanie, you are not in Phoenix any more

Ok, it's MAY (well tomorrow) and it's still SNOWING!!! That is when you really know you are not in Phoenix anymore.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I have to tell you, I have been in Denver almost a month, and I have only used a half a tank of gas! That just blows me away!

Considering in Phoenix, I used to drive about 50-100 miles a day, and I would go through a tank a WEEK and now I am nearly at the end the month and I still have gas in my car!!!


Monday, April 25, 2005


I am now Brilliant!!!! Thanks to Michael Heppell! hhahahahah

Ok, you can check it out yourself...

I am just planning on borrowing the book from someone .. only to reinforce the Brilliance!! (But, I heard it is a GREAT book - How to Be Brilliant!!!)

We spent Friday and Saturday going through a program, mainly on self development. It was great and to spend time with i-to-i as a GLOBAL organization, almost everyone was there from ALL four offices UK, Ireland, USA and Australia. Most of the people in the company are in their 20's and the ones that weren't, well it was only the birtdate holding them back, they were still younger than me in spirit! OH AND I Broke through Wood!!!!!

GREAT GREAT TIME! And, I will leave the details to you asking me personally!!!



Friday, April 15, 2005

Vail... and Snoop Dog

Vail! Well, what a GORGEOUS place!!!

Emily and I waited in line for Snoop Dog ticket for 3 hours, and there was snow on the mountains, but it was HOT! We got the tickets, and ventured around Vail Village! Very Cute! Funny to see people walking around with skiis wearing their bathing suits.

I have a better one, Emily went off the pool on Sunday while Criss and Micha and I went skiing! $10 bucks for a lift ticket, last day of skiing for the season! It was great, however..... I didn't have such a great day! The guys convinced me to well, go down a DOUBLE Black Diamond. Tried to say that it really shouldn't be a double black. SO I caved into peer pressure, and thought well, I could have bragging rights! So I made it down the Double Black, but I do have to say, most of it was on my butt..... and well I fell a lot, BUT I made it down!

Great weekend! And Snoop Dog was fun too, actually barely saw him, and it wasn't the best ventue, but it was a fun day and that is all that matters.

Here are the photos.

Man in the plad shirt

Coming soon

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Leaving for the UK on Monday!

Heard Leeds is GREAT! Can't wait, and I get to see everyone from Ireland again and have, well a few Guinness!!!

Certainly take photos and let you know how it goes!

Snow in April

Ok, a foot of snow in April! A blizzard the prevented thousands of poeple from traveling! How awesome!

Manzy (Emily's Dog) and I went out and played in the snow! It is was great. Now two days later it is nearly all melted.

I am glad everyone was watching the news and thinking about me battling the snow storm while everyone in Arizona was, well sitting by the pool in 90 degree weather!


Emily and I headed off the Rockies game, let's just say the Rockies are not the greatest team in the NBL, but the seats were great, and the Coors Light was cold!!!!

Drive out to Denver

Ok, I never commented on the drive out to Denver!! That went out in my e-mail to everyone. But it was actualy fun!!! Mom drove... and well, drove.. kept on driving. We thought about staying in Santa Fe, but ... didn't and kept on driving, but there was a huge snow storm on the boarder, and we could not find a place to stay, so we kept on driving.... to Pueblo!

Made it to Denver by Friday morning, and got my stuff all moved in and ready to go, so we had the weekend to explore 16th St. Mall, and Cherry Creeek, and enjoy my new appartment.

Ok, so here are the photos:

Blog Blog

Just have to test this Blogging thing out. Everyone has to have a blog!!! Kinda like swag!!

I will be sure to write more soon!
