Friday, April 15, 2005

Vail... and Snoop Dog

Vail! Well, what a GORGEOUS place!!!

Emily and I waited in line for Snoop Dog ticket for 3 hours, and there was snow on the mountains, but it was HOT! We got the tickets, and ventured around Vail Village! Very Cute! Funny to see people walking around with skiis wearing their bathing suits.

I have a better one, Emily went off the pool on Sunday while Criss and Micha and I went skiing! $10 bucks for a lift ticket, last day of skiing for the season! It was great, however..... I didn't have such a great day! The guys convinced me to well, go down a DOUBLE Black Diamond. Tried to say that it really shouldn't be a double black. SO I caved into peer pressure, and thought well, I could have bragging rights! So I made it down the Double Black, but I do have to say, most of it was on my butt..... and well I fell a lot, BUT I made it down!

Great weekend! And Snoop Dog was fun too, actually barely saw him, and it wasn't the best ventue, but it was a fun day and that is all that matters.

Here are the photos.