Friday, September 30, 2005

The Great American Beer Festival

Friday September 30th, we ventured over to the convention center for the Great American Beer Festival to try out a few beers!

The common beers this year were smoked (tasted like camp fire), not the best. Then there was coffee flavored beer, ok to taste, but I could never drink more than that. And we even had a chili beer that burned for a while.

Check it out at

Turtle Soup!!


Thought you might be interested in winning 2 weeks volunteering on a turtle project in Costa Rica for 4 people.
There's also a game where you have to save turtles, watch out for the puking swimmer!!
The more people you pass it to, the more chance you have of winning.

Click here for the turtle game and competition

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I am going to Costa Rica!!

I just got confirmation that I will be going to Costa Rica Oct 22nd - 30th!!! YAHOOO

Last year I worked an event and got a free plane ticket anywhere America West Flies, and here I go! I am going to Costa Rica!!!

Tyson and Barb will be there (which I kinda planned to go at the same time), so we can all hang out.

I will be in Phoenix 5 hours on the 22nd.
And 3 hours on the 30th!
I did that on purpose, so I could grab lunch or something.

I will be talking to you a lot more soon!!


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Rockies Visitors Locker Room

Emily and I went to a presentation and got to hang out in the Visistors locker room at Coors Feild!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sunday Hike - Sept 25th

Here is a quick hike I did with Melissa and Laura! Melissa was an intern for i-to-i a few months ago!

Friday, September 23, 2005

I am Walking in the Race for the Cure

Dear Friends and Family,

I recently accepted the challenge to raise funds to support the 2005 Komen Denver Race for the Cure® on October 2, 2005 in the fight against breast cancer. One in seven women will be stricken with breast cancer in her lifetime and the more we raise, the more the Denver Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation can give back to fund vital breast cancer education, screening and treatment programs in our own community and support the national search for a cure.

Click here to visit my personal page and pledge your support.

Please join me in the fight by pledging in support of my participation in the Race or contributing generously to the 2005 Komen Denver Race for the Cure®. Your tax-deductible contribution will fund innovative outreach and awareness programs for medically underserved communities in Denver and national breast cancer research. It is faster and easier than ever to support this great cause - you can make a donation online by simply clicking on the link at the bottom of this message. If you would prefer, you can also send your tax-deductible contribution to the address listed below. Whatever you can give will help! I truly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress.

Thank you so much for your time and support in the fight against breast cancer! Every step counts!


Melanie Gentz

Volunteer Stories

I get to read volunteer stories and their experiences. We have the coolest 60 year old man in Peru right now teaching English. He has run in 155 marathons on all the continents. Utterly amazing, I may just post his bio.

We have a volunteer in Sri Lanka cleaning up from the Tsunami and is coming across flip flops of people who were washed away, absolutely heartbreaking.

Another volunteer is in Kenya feeding giraffes and zebras, she is hilarious! I may start posting some of their stories and linking them for your amusement!

Ah, and the 65 year old grandmother of two that has been all over the world and worked with all sorts of animals. I will elaborate on this one, but her goal this year was to go work with the gorillas in Rwanda, but instead decided to go to Sri Lanka with i-to-i and work with the elephants!

Here is a cool quote from a girl who did the tsunami project earlier in the summer
“I will never be able to communicate how thankful I am for this wonderful experience. I only wish I never had to leave!”

Thursday, September 22, 2005

I just had to share this quote

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

-Mother Teresa

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

September 21st - First Day of Fall!

Very excited! It's my first real FALL! Can't wait to grab the camera and go out and get some amazing photos!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Bronco's Win!

My first Broncos Game!

Well, it's not like I just went to the game and tailgated and did all that fun stuff football fans do. But I went at 10am nonetheless, but to help my friend Raise money for leukemia. She will be running in the marathon next month in San Fan. But it was the first time I have been to Invesco field and it was AWESOME. The energy was high, the Broncos were down, but they came back and tied the game. Then would you believe, they with :09 seconds left kicked a 23 yard field goal and WON!! It was awesome. I figured since I live here now, I am a Broncos Fan.

Can't say I will be too true to my AZ Cardinals. But it was an awesome game and I got to see just enough of it!

I just forgot the camera :( no photos.


chicken dance and polka!

It's not Munich - it's Denver!

Ok, well I managed to make the most of Oktoberfest here in Denver! It certainly wasn't big, nor Munich, but with the right frame of mind, lots of fun to be had!!

Here is the link to the photos!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

September 11th

Wow, four years ago, everyone knows exactly where they were when they heard about Sept 11th. Think back at how you felt and reacted. What are you doing today? So much has happened in our own lives, and in the world in the last four years. We have lost our own loved ones, welcomed new ones, and moved and as life does; change.

We have seen other Terrorist attacks, in Madrid, London, and so many other places, we have seen natural distasters as the Tsunami and now Hurricane Katrina.

Again, what are you doing in your own life to help others. Really, isn't that what life is all about, being surrounded by the ones you love and helping the ones you that need your help, no matter who they are.

This world needs to become more selfless and give as much as they can. I am not too sure what I am doing myself, but I will be there for you if you need my help.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Horse Back Riding in Estes

Here is a link to all the photos in the Rocky Mountain National Park as we drove over Trail Ridge!

Thursday, September 08, 2005


It's Bargains spelled Backwards!!!

Getting ready for Ski Season already!! Not only did I get a tent about a week ago (a real REI deal), I am sure I could have gotten a cheezy tent at Target for a fraction of the price, but I am so cool on the name brand stuff, but -> ok, not only did I get a tent, but I got my skiis, goggles, boots and yes my CO ski pass!!!! I am investing in my future!!! The future of Colorado!!


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

You know, I really am speechless when it comes to this hurricane. I am in tears when I watch what people are going through. I have heard from a friend in Baton Rouge that says, you really don't, or you can't even fathom how bad it really is until you see how people have lost EVERYTHING. I got an e-mail from an American in Ireland right now that just says she is embarrassed because they report it as, this tragedy is in America and Americans can not even help.

I am just heartbroken, and I am not sure what we can do as people. Are the American people reacting as they should, are they coming together and helping these people? More people were lost in this than Sept 11th, but are we doing our part?

I was watching the news, and you know, only in America will we take this terrible disaster and make a reality show of it. As I flipped through the stations, I had a few choices of the news and the rest were reality shows. Now, why wouldn't we create a reality show out of Katrina? Basically it is, what companies will react faster and make it a race to give people diapers and food. But still.

I am impressed with the amount of money that the American people are giving to the Red Cross and the companies that are donating in such large sums. Also, you can't help but really admire those who have done what they can as individuals. Helping other individuals get out of there and start their lives anew.

Friday, September 02, 2005

South Africa Lions

You know, I get to hear the greatest stories EVERY day, but one of our volunteers sent me these photos the other day from the Lion Park in South Africa (here is a link to the project)

But better than that, here is a link to her photos, the lions are ADORABLE!!! ah, I just want to get on a plane and go to South Africa!