Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Thanksgiving come and gone!

Well, it was hard for me to beleive that Thanksgiving was already here, and well now. It's over, almost a week over. I flew home Wed night with not glitch at all. I managed to get to the airport a mere 4 hours early, trying to beat the holiday rush and well (cause Emily gave me a lift :)) - But I did get my favorite thing in the whole world.... ice cream, while I watched people and listened the live music in the Denver airport. Yep there was live music in the Denver airport while all those people had to wait in line to get through security.

So I did, I got into Phoenix just fine, Mom picked me up and I was home sweet home. Thanksgiving was great. Lots to be Thankful for! This past year has been a wonderful year for me. And of course being Thankful I found my passport! (You know that was two scares in the last year and both times were very interesting findings).

Friday I made it early to tailgate for the ASU vs. UA football game. And i am proud to say ASU WON!!!! We are going to the insight bowl! Here are a few photos from the game.

Now as for Sat and Sun, I can't say much. I managed to catch a cold and a fever and it was just no fun. Sunday I barely left the couch all day. Not the best idea when you only have four days in Phoenix. But at least I had TV!!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

First Skiing of the Season!!

YAH!! I got to go Skiing yesterday!! Keystone!

I am so excited for this whole ski season thing!!! I already got to go skiing yesterday, and plan to go a whole lot more before April, that is 5 months of skiing!

Have I mentioned I love CO!!

Here is Ryan and Tara, both from AZ!! Met Ryan at an ASU football game (via TV at the Sports Column)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The quesiton is, what is Mahnamahna

Seriously, my friend Marc just sent these to me, and I have to say, I am the most happy person ever. The simple things in life. But come on...

What is Mahnamahna??? really.... as one of the muppets says, who cares!?

for your recollection/fun

dr. pepper -
Very Strange, when you click trhough from here it doesn't give you the comercial, so try cutting and pasting! da da daaa da da

muppets -


Monday, November 14, 2005

Tid Bits

First, for those of you who know me (for more than 5 years I'd say) know Stephanie.
She was on the news last week. Check it out, and watch the video.

Stephanie Ray in the News

I think I am going to Hawaii for Christmas, and I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week and I will be back on a plane.

Anyone on Myspace? -> it's like a high school reunion, or a life reunion for that matter. Is it scary that you are out with friends having a great night and the subject of myspace comes up often?

Travel Pod? That is my other one, I have been figuring out where in the world I have been, and thus far according to Travel Pod, I have traveled 6% of the world. Ah, and I have lots more to do, hmmm, where will I be in 40 years?

Snow on Sunday? Jennifer and I went to Frisco to the snow on Sunday, it was awesome.

ASU??? Um what happened?? Ok we lost to UCLA on Sat, surprise, surprise. I am going to be tailgating the ASU vs UA game! Can't wait!

Broncos Win! I didn't watch the game, but it is great to have a winning team!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

I am a terrible blogger. Infact, nothing exciting is going on and I really have nothing to blog. Work is just flying by, Thanksgiving is in less than two weeks. I am waitin on photos before I can offically e-mail everyone and tell them I have my photos up from Costa Rica. I did go to a Nuggets game this week, although, it wasn't as exciting as I would have hoped. Made me miss the purple palace (if we even still call it that) in Phoenix and wish I was at a Suns game not the Kings vs. Nuggets, but all is well.

I am trying to figure out if I should go to Hawaii for Christmas or not, and well, just trying to figure out what I am going to do with my day today.

I will get back on the blog thing here soon. Myspace is the cool new thing, everyone is doing it! ha ha!

Catcha later.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Southwest is flying to Denver

I have a feeling as soon as Southwest puts their promotions out of like $39 each way from Phoenix to Denver, I either will have a lot of visitors, or I will beg for visitors!!

Now, it is not going to get any cheaper than that! How exciting! And perfect time for Ski season! I am waiting to get my skiis back as I write this, any day now, and soon the mountains will be open!

But back to Southwest, keep me up to date on what Southwest promotes in Phoenix!
