Monday, February 18, 2008


For a few years my goal was to visit India! In February 2008, I had the opportunity to do so, and volunteer in the deprived areas of Jaipur!

To read more about it...


Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I visted Egypt in July of 2007.. Amazing!!

Friday, April 20, 2007


Less than three days until I leave for China! It is very exciting and whoaaa, the flight is going to be long. We leave Denver at 10:23am on the 23rd of April and arrive in Shanghai on the 24th at 5:25pm. That is 31 hours (with the lose of time), They are 14 hours ahead, so in reality it is a 17 hour flight!

Anyway, lots of changes in life at the moment. It will be very exciting to see how the next month and few months roll out.

I have such great coworkers, and consider myself so lucky in so many ways.

If you are interested in learning more about our China trip .. visit

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Went to Alaska with Mom this past month!

Create Your Own!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

August 20th

I for some reason decided to stop blogging, I suppose there is no reason for everything I do to be posted on the internet, and besides, who really reads these anyway.

But the fact is, it has been in March that I posted. How quickly five months goes by. Of course many fun things and memories over the past five months.

As for something fun, I am up to FOUR 14ers!

54 in the State of Colorado
I hope to hike as many as I can
Here are the ones I have done so far
x Longs Peak 14,255' Front Range - SUMMITED '05
x Mt. Massive 14,421' Sawatch (ATTEMPTED)
x Mt. Bierstadt 14,060' Front Range - SUMMITED '06
x Quandary Peak 14,265' Tenmile-Mosquito
- Summited Aug 5, 2006
x Mt. Evans 14,264' Front Range - Summited Aug 20, 06

Other than that...... maybe I will write another blog in five months...

Mt. Evans summit

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Brazil Posts

In case.. (which are not updated, but my Brazil Posts are at..)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Wow over a month

A month has gone by and I have not had the desire to post here.... ah well... if you know me, you may know what is going on in my life.. . it is rather busy, I must admit.

Catcha later.. Maybe I will blog again someday!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ski Trip #9

So, I am up to #9, Ryan is still beating me by 2, but I will sucumb to defeat!

Beth came into town and we didn't hit the slopes until 2pm on Sat, and let me tell you it was COLD! We only got two runs in before we grabbed dinner and then we did two runs of night skiing before we called it quits. All in all it was a fun day! As always.

Brazil Countdown

So I leave tomorrow...

I have been to busy to post really!

I am excited, in case you were wondering!

The Phoenix Open!!!

No photos, lots of work, but fun!!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ski Trip #8

Today was ski trip #8!! I went back to Keystone, but yet, totally skiing different runs than I ever have. I had so much fun!! And I was doing quite well on all those bumps. Lots of fresh powder, but totally freezing!

Last week was the first time that I have ever felt my nose hairs freeze when I take in a deep breath, and well today they were freezing again!

As for the runs, we were crusing down the slopes, which, was great, and we left at 3p to beat the traffic. Forget that. It took us nearly 2 hours just to GET to the 70, and then ANOTHER 2 hours to get home. Sheeesh. That was a 4 hour drive back to Denver back from Keystone (normally only takes 1 1/2 hours - 2 hours).

Anyway, it was interesting, people (boys) were getting out on the side of the road to pee. Didn't really care who was watching. The traffic was horrific.

As for when I was skiing .... I saw someone snowboarding who had no legs. It was the most interesting thing I have ever seen. It was the top half of a body on a snowboard, and I thought to myself, WOW, you know there is someone who maybe lost thier legs, or maybe never had them, but is doing something they love and didn't let something like that stop them from enjoying a sport such as snowboarding.

But I must admit, it was the strangest thing I have ever seen.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Broncos are Not going to the Superbowl

Sunday was a sad day in Denver. We managed not to win our way to the Superbowl. I have to wonder if Jake will ever shave his beard now?

It has been such a fun football season. Ah well, I will be in Phoenix for the Superbowl anyway, so at least I won't be missing an awesome time in Denver.

The question is, do I cheer for in the Superbowl, or should I just watch it for the commercials?

Ski Trip #7

Yah! So I headed back to Keystone again for Ski Trip #7, it is amazing how different each Ski trip is! I am so getting better on the slopes!!!

Again, I went with Dan and Ryan, my ski buddies!!!

A bit of snow

The snow started to come down on Thursday morning and it snowed all day. It was awesome! I still can't help but take pictures of the streets and my car and the trees on my walk to work!

The snow has stuck around for days! It's great because it is still in the 40's out, so nothing too cold.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Ski Trip #6

Back to Keystone, and always a different expirience every time! I went with my cousin and his wife and friend. As we take my cousin, Eric to the top and say we are just going to take the greens. I guess I didn't think of it much, since I have been going every week and didn't realize he hadn't been skiing in oh, THIRTEEN years. So, he did really well all thing considered!

And loved every single minute!

If it were me, and I was taken to the top (which has happend a few times - because people who KNOW how to ski, don't realize that people who don't, DON'T and could get hurt) I would have been a little more vocal, or what not! In anycase it was fun. Nice and sunny in the beginning and total white out blizzard in the afternoon.

Did you know that Wisconsin is only an hour away

So Saturday, I went to Colorado Springs to visit my cousin, who is in town from Madison for the long weekend and to watch the Badger game play Colorado College in hockey. Now, this is what family is all about, I didn’t watch the Broncos playoff game, but I went to a Badger Hokey game, and had a blast. The score was 9 to 1. That is the HIGHEST scoring hockey game that I have ever seen! So, there was red everywhere, all these people from WI coming out of the woodworks. (I did keep on on the Broncos score and highlights).

But what tops the night off, was after the game we all went to Culvers, and when I say Culvers, it IS the place to go for custard in Wisconsin. When I was in WI for the summer, I went all the time, and it is a Gentz tradition, so here I am sitting at a table of five people wearing red Badger Wisconsin jersy’s, I started to think, I really could be in Wisconsin right now.

And the Culvers only opened five days prior. Brand new to Colorado.


Couchsurfing! It’s official! I am a couchsurfer!

I went to a couchsurfing party, and while I totally get the concept and have somewhat actually used it (but through Rotaract) I met all the other couch surfers in Denver. Jennifer had some couchsurfers in from Amsterdam and Switzerland, it was great! Good ol memories of talking about all your travels and expiriences while traveling the world!

I may have to use it someday! you never know.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Ah, the stockshow is in town! Big deal! I heard they had all the cattle head down 17th st. downtown! I would have loved to see that parade.

And while I haven't been to any of the rodoes or anything, I did convince my friends to go to Stampede on Wed. night for ladies night! Brought me back to the good ol' days at Rockin Rodeo.

But, I had a great time, then Thursday night, convinced everyone to go to the Grizzly Rose. It was very exciting for me, because I have been begging people since I got here 9 months ago. So much fun! Took me back to some other fabulous memories, but made me miss Tyson and the crowd!

Western Underground played, which is Chris LeDoux’s band, and it was great, but it just wasn’t Chris LeDoux, but awesome nonetheless!

The highlight of the night is the fact I did ride the mechanical bull, for the first time in my life. I didn’t do too badly, but I am certainly not going to hop on a real one anytime soon! hahah

Monday, January 09, 2006


It's official!! I am going to Brazil!!!

I will be going for one week for work visiting the projects

Then the second week for play! I will be checking out Carnival!

Ski Trip #5

I went to Keystone with Craig, Lindsay and Kyle from AZ!!! I used to work with Linda (Craigs wife, and Lindsay and Kyle's mom) at Country Thunder! So they were in town, made it a perfect day of skiing!

Ah, skiing, yet one more weekend and it was aweosme!!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Years Monday!!

The goal today was to go snowshoeing, but we got caught in traffic, so it turned out to be a relaxing day at Copper Mountain!!

Instead we all went ice skating!!! Not to much to share, but some fun photos!!! Image hosted by

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New Years Celebrations!

Well, Happy New Year! This year was rather low key, right!

We just went to dinner and grabbed a few drinks, rang in the new year!!!!

Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Years!!!

Get your own comment graphics @ ohmyspace.comAh to think of what a year can bring and HOW different year to year can be.

How would I have known what 2005 would bring me. It has been a fun year, just finding a bit more definition in my life. I think people were starting to doubt me, or take me seriously (and I still think there are a few out there that still don't), but that is what makes life fun.

I truly believe it is not what other people think, but making the most of what you have, and doing what you can for others and yourself.

Anyway, I hope that 2006 proves to be an eventful and fun year and a lot more memories and friends to be made. And of course Travel and exploration and still defining the life.

Ski Trip #4

So Jennifer and I went to Arapahoe (A)Basin, and well I have to say it was the most challenging mountain yet! But I had a blast, I loved it, and I am always up for a challenge. We managed to make it back unharmed.

Crazy to think less than a week ago, I was surfing! Thank God for planes!!!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas in Hawaii!!

I feel like I am slacking here on the blogs... but I had a wonderful time in Hawaii visiting Travis for Christmas.

First night we watched the sunset on Waikiki ---
My favorite photo -

Then Friday we visited Pearl Harbor -

It was an interesting expirience, knowing that it was so far before my time but has impacted my life so much. I pictured the movie (and thought I ought to rewatch it). It was amazing to be in a place with such a history.

We did the audio tour, which I always recommend people to do when they visit places, it is always worth the $5. And you learn so much.

We visted the USS Arizona memorial. Definately interesting. I remember as a child seeing artifacts in the Phoenix Capital Building from the USS Arizona and learing about it at such a young age, but taking so many years to understand what really happened. If you want to do a bit more research visit

What was even more crazy was when you stand on that memorial, and see this ship that has been underwater for 60 years, still leaking oil and to know that there are 900 men still in the ship is heartwrenching.

Then after we visted Pearl Harbor, Travis showed us his Boat (submarine), and all I have to say is WOW. It is a three story sub, but with barely enough room to breath. It was crowded and there wasn't anyone on the boat, I can't imagine being on there with 150 people.

Hula Santa Had to share my Hula Santa. Travis and I grabbed a few drinks... at Lu Lu's, a very Hawaiian bar, and there he was - Hula Santa! He certainly knows how to adjust to the climate.

Saturday, was Christmas Eve, and Travis and I went for a hike and went for a swim under a waterfall. Absolutly spectacular, just tucked away a few miles from a suburban area.

Travis is doing a back flip here.

Then well, Travis and I decided to go surfing in Waikiki. I had so many thoughts go threw my head while I was surfing.. to ... I hate this sport.. to it's not too bad. I did stand up a few times, which gives me hope. Maybe next time I will be a surfing fool.

As Traivs and I were sitting on our boards, he says to me, so what did you do on Christmas... I laughed and replied, Well glad you asked.. went surfin on Waikiki.

Anyway, it is rather a gross photo, but it is my battle wound from the rocks where we were surfing. We were just glad a tiger shark didn't come by and bite my toe off.

So, then we move on to our last day in Hawaii, and we went to a Luau in Paradise Cove. Cheesy in some ways but awesome in others. We all had a blast and the food was fantastic.
Here we just walked in and got the touristy photo of course!!!

Then we moved on an made braclets, and threw spears, Travis got a tatoo, ha ha. Then we watched them pull the pig from the ground. This is just one of those things that you have to do if you go to Hawaii! It was our Chritmas present from Travis.

I even tried to hula a bit! Again, something you just have to do!

So all in all, we had a great time and packed in as much as you can, when you have such a short period of time! I hope everyone had a wonderful Chritmas, Traditional OR NOT!

Flight to Phoenix

I love Amber and Sasha! They picked me up at the airport and we hung out in my LITTLE time in Phoenix!!!

And Sasha and John Walker!!

Ah the good times and the memories made!!!!

Ski Trip #3

Dec. 18th to Breckenridge again!!! With Jonny Wall!! Got to love Myspace, reconnecting with the old friends!!!

Jennifer and I waiting in line...

In the lodge for lunch

Ryan on his racin skiis!!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

I love the season of giving!

Today I woke up and it was snowing. I love the snow. It's just exciting to be able to look out the window and see snow.
This morning, I went with the Denver Rotaract to volunteer sorting toys for the families for Christmas. As I was driving there, in the snow, I saw homeless people walking with blankets just wrapped around them. I am not sure the temperature this morning, but I know it was cold, and once again, snowing.
People were standing on the corners (near the homeless shelters) handing out food, blankets and other things. It was a warm feeling as I saw this. I cannot imagine not having a home to stay warm in at this time.

So, as we got to the Salvation Army, they had so many people there. The boy scouts were all making the food boxes for the families, and we found ourselves sorting toys by age to go to the families. Matt stated it is difficult picking out stuff for people he knows, but truly even more difficult picking out stuff for people we don't know. Anyway, every time I got a toy for a kid, I wasn’t sure if it was good enough or not. Thank for a 14 year old boy there that gave us advice on the cool stuff. Seriously, I think this is another sign of me getting old.

Ok, so, it was awesome to really feel the holiday spirit today. Tonight I decided to just hang out and not really do anything. I went to the Civic building to look at the lights, and they were awesome. Honestly, the best part of my night was when a woman walks up to a homeless man and gives him gloves. She tells him to put them on to keep his hands warm.

What really made me smile is when her three kids came running up to her after and
yelled, did he like them. She was like, I don't really know. Anyway, it was very heartwarming.

So then I made my way to downtown, with a goal of sitting in a Starbucks and finishing my Christmas Cards. It was still snowing outside and families were out. The lights are very festive and the horse and buggies were doing their rounds. The horses had a light layer of snow on their backs and you could see their breath. The people in the back riding were bundled up in blankets. And for a little bit of time there was a choir practicing their carols in the Starbucks. Honestly, I am not sure that I could have asked for a better day!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Happy Holidays!!!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season!!!

Aspen Canyon Ranch

I just spend the best weekend in the mountains with my coworkers. We ventured west into the mountains and stayed at the Aspen Canyon Ranch!!

Just in case you feel like visiting their website

But I don't feel their website does anything for the actual experience you have. We all stayed a very cozy little cabin nestled in the woods that over looked the aspen pines and a little frozen river at the bottom of the hill. They even had a jar of fresh baked cookies waiting for us!!!

Friday night we just played games and had a lot of fun. Then Sat. morning I got to snow shoe for the first time, and I am sure there will be more of that!!! Not to mention the very yummy eggs benedict that Debbie made!!!

In the afternoon, I got to go snowmobiling for the first time, absolutely phenomenal. I did get stuck twice and I stalled once (apparently I am good at that) - anyway, the views were spectacular and the snow was amazing. Snowmobiling has to be one of the most fun sports (although my lower back is a bit sore today).

Getting stuck really is no fun, first it is embarrassing because the guys have to dig you out and it is really not that easy. Although, Debbie decided to go off and play on her own and got stuck once there while all the rest of us waited, then the guides finally get her out and on her way up she gets stuck again and does a face plant into the snow. Fortunately, no one got hurt and we all had a blast!!!

Anyway, the pictures are only a mere fraction of the fun we had.
This is a self portrait of Debbie, Aimee and I.

Here is another of the whole group just before we all attempted to sled down the hill behind us!!!

It's amazing how many fun things you can do in the snow!!! Someday, I may just have the find the perfect job somewhere in the mountains!!